This is who I really am. No lies, no hiding. Just me fresh and real.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas for a College Student

I've been counting down the days until I take that journey home to be where my heart lies.

with my family.

My mom asked me the other day "what do you want for Christmas?" and the only thing I thought was, "to be home and surrounded by the people I love the most."

So, what do I want for Christmas?
I want to watch The Christmas Card with my dad on the couch.
I want to bake all day with my mom while listening to Christmastime by Michael W. Smith.
I want to build castles with Ella and see Luke's smile light up when I make a funny face.
I want to spend every night cuddled up with my mom on the couch watching Christmas movies.
I want to wrap everyone's gifts for them while singing along to A Muppet's Christmas Carol.
I want to bake cupcakes with Nicole and laugh over a glass of wine.
I want to hold a candle at church on Christmas Eve and sing until my heart's content.
I want to smell that familiar, indescribable scent of home.
I want to read 10 books because I have nothing better to do.
I want to take trips to Starbucks at midnight with my favorite friends.
I want to stay up all night talking and planning with my best friend.
I want to read by the fire, drinking the best hot chocolate in town
I want to be home.

I don't think I've ever been more ready for a semester to be over.