This is who I really am. No lies, no hiding. Just me fresh and real.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Post for My Dad

So I'm a little behind on Father's Day, but the sentiment is the same.

I never really realized how much of an impact my father has made on my life until recently. I'm his little girl, and I always will be. I'll always remember him calling me his angel and sitting on his knee- my favorite place in the world.

Our relationship is a little unspoken now that I'm an adult, but it still is just as important. I still treasure our time together, although now it's early in the morning drinking coffee in our backyard instead of camping at Palo Duro Canyon on a frigid weekend.

I don't say it enough, but my Dad has an extremely special place in my heart.

I pray I marry a man that is half the dad that he is to me.
He'll always be my number one man.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

My mind it kind of goes fast

The past two weeks have been a little rough for me.

For absolutely no particular reason. I have nothing big to worry about. But it never fails, every night I have a nightmare, bad dream, or series of bad dreams. I'm grinding my teeth and whimpering like a hurt puppy.

I don't even know what triggered this.

Maybe seeing my best friend get married to the most wonderful man flipped a switch in my head. I know I'm only 22. I know I'm being ridiculous. I'm just not where I thought I would be, now.

If you asked me 2 years ago where I'd be now, I would have said that I'd be engaged to Rob, graduated, and working at some lab to make money for my future with him.

I never guessed I'd be here.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing.
It's just not where I always imagined I'd be.

I like to plan, I like to know. So this whole not-knowing business drives me absolutely crazy.

I just need to look on the bright side. Now I can travel, go on adventures, explore the world. Maybe I'll end up opening a bakery like I've dreamed. Maybe I'll move to NYC.

We'll see where this year takes me.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Why must you infiltrate my @#$!^%* dreams again?

elaboration to come.