This is who I really am. No lies, no hiding. Just me fresh and real.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sunny Summer Sunday

"I'm laying in the grass in the front lawn of my best friend's house on a sunny Sunday when I suddenly feel so at peace. The sound of life echoes in my ears through joyous birdsongs and the quiet splashes of water. The sky is beautiful by this perspective, through the scattered rays under an old tree. 
I've been waiting for a day like this, a day that finally feels like summer is in full swing, a day unable to be captured by anything but the mind. 
In these moments I find myself itching for a thought-provoking conversation. I need to flex my brain and hear my thoughts run down the pavement."

This is all I had time to write on Sunday when I felt so inspired. It's not great but it perfectly conveys the warmth I felt.

Six short months later and I'm finally fully enjoying laying in the grass on a lazy Sunday. I can longboard down the street without a single regret-filled thought running through my head. In one of my earlier entries I commented on the "Joy of Living" but I truly didn't understand it. I had just gotten a glimpse of the light from the shadows of darkness. Now that light has engulfed me and I'm just basking in the warmth.

Live for those little glints of light. Eventually you'll shed the cloak of darkness and life will be as it seems again, I promise. It's okay to feel lonely. It's okay to regret. It's okay to cry. It's okay to be angry. It's okay to feel something.
Just keep faith and have hope.
You'll be smiling again before you know it.

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