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Saturday, November 24, 2012

WebMD: Heartbreak

It's no secret I've been through my share of break ups. Sometimes the dumper, sometimes the dumpee. Either way, it really sucks. Through each one I've found certain things help and other just make it worse. This is my heartbreak cure:

In the first 24-48 hours:

1. Cry. Let this period of time be dedicated to being sad. Look at the old pictures, reminisce on how great you felt with him/her, eat ice cream, listen to depressing music, and just cry. Trust me, if you pent it up, it'll work it's way to the surface eventually and be exponentially worse. Don't be afraid to cry in public places, people might surprise you. I walked into HEB bawling to buy two bottles of wine. The bagger gave me a hug.

2. DO NOT TEXT/CALL HIM/HER. This is absolutely vital. It hurts and not talking to them makes the cut even deeper but whatever you do, try your best to restrict contact.

3. If you decide to drink, do not do it alone. That will lead to drunken texts to your ex about how much you miss them or, if you're like me, drunken texts filled with angry words.

4. Watch these two amazing videos by Tyler Oakley (he holds all knowledge):

5. Reach out to your friends. They're your friends for a reason. Call your mom or a friend immediately after it happens. It's better to tell them while you're already upset and crying instead of having to bring it up later along with all those emotions.

The next few days-weeks:

1. Rid your room of all memorabilia of the relationship. You can't have a constant reminder of how much it sucks without them. Put everything away in a box and put it at the top of your closet or entrust it with a friend or family member. Or feel free to burn it, whatever works for you.

2. Feel free to text him/her but be rational. Do not start a fight, you'll just end up going in circles. Don't gush about missing them. Still keep contact restricted.

3. Delve into a hobby or sport. It'll feel good to make something with your hands or burn off all those calories you consumed the first two days. If you hate running, run when you feel like crying. There's nothing more distracting than pushing yourself.

4. Call your family often and hang out with your friends as much as possible. I was lucky enough to be broken up with right before Thanksgiving break. You're going to feel alone- just try to make it as minimal as possible.

A few weeks-a month later:

1. Reflect on the relationship. Not in a nostalgic way, but as a lesson. Broken relationships serve to teach us. Look back and try to recognize what you might have done wrong so you can improve in the future.

2. Go out. Get crazy with you friends because you can. Dance on a bar and shamelessly hit on people.

3. Stop thinking about the past. Stop thinking they'll come back. Stop beating yourself up thinking they might have been 'the one.' Just try to move on.

And thereafter:

1. You will end up running into them. Try to make the encounter as painless as it can be. If you can't handle talking to them, wave hello from a distance and move on. If not, say hello, ask how they are doing and then move on. Hold your head high. It'll hurt to see them but they'll be hurting, too.

2. Don't continue holding onto them as your 'go to' person and do not be that for them. No matter what you tell yourself, you'll always believe there's a chance of getting back together. It's not true. They're probably just being nice or using you. Move on.

3. Move on. Meet new people. Allow yourself to feel. Trust me, it'll heal eventually

4. However, DO NOT SETTLE. You'll feel like you're going to be alone forever and no other person will compare to him/her. This is absolutely untrue. Love will find you again. If you don't feel it, don't get trapped in a mediocre relationship. You deserve better.

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