This is who I really am. No lies, no hiding. Just me fresh and real.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Elbows and Exposed Knees

(This blog post is dedicated to all the random thoughts bouncing around in my head. There is no order to the madness.)

I have this strange desire to create
to paint
or bake
or sew
or photograph
just to make something with my hands, to let my creative side escape

How have I never known this side of me existed? I never painted before this year and I'm actually quite proud of a few of my creations. The art side of my brain is absolutely taking over, and all the math is getting overshadowed. I'll always have that strange love for math and chemistry though, it's just who I am. 

I'm so excited for the freedom of summer. 

I've realized that all my blog posts are happy. It's foolish of me to only post uplifting things when some days just aren't that way. This blog is supposed to be an honest reflection of me. But I just think I write all the hopeful things so that I can be hopeful myself, and to not fall into the endless pit of sadness and loneliness. I listen to the Foo Fighters and reflect when I'm feeling down. I have a wonderful life no matter how much it seems to suck sometimes. I have an amazing group of friends who care about me and an even more amazing family who loves me to no end. 
It's all about perspective.

Every Jason Mraz song reminds me of you (yes, you), and I can't help but smile.
Thank you for helping me smile. 
I hope you know that you have

Thank you for reading this. It's so nice to know that someone is listening.

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