This is who I really am. No lies, no hiding. Just me fresh and real.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Truth

"Women want to be treated like shit. It's just a fact, they're morons. Whether she's a super model, works at a daycare center, ugly, hot, it don't matter. You all look for the guy that pisses you off. The guy you can complain about trying to fix. Want to know the number one complaint I hear about men from women? 'He's too nice.' This is considered a detriment. Show me some girl that can date any guy she wants, 50 bucks says she's with some ass hole. You don't want nice, you want an ass hole... Ever hear of a guy breaking up with a girl because she's too nice?"

I'll admit it, it's true. Why?

But honestly, I think once a girl finds someone they truly love, that changes.
in the mean time, the ass holes will finish first.

But don't worry, the good guy wins in the end.

1 comment:

  1. I so said this about Josh a few years before we actually dated. I was a ding dong. I realized it eventually - he just wished I had a few years earlier!
